Thursday 28 September 2023 | 08:30 - 10:30
Following on from the success of our Fylde Coast Entrepreneurs Club launch event, we are delighted to announce the date for the next event.
The Fylde Coast Entrepreneurs Club events are invite only and designed to bring together like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs from across the Fylde Coast.
The sessions will provide you with an open and confidential environment, where you can share challenges and experiences, determine solutions to the issues you face and build relationships with your peers in the Fylde Coast business community.
The next Fylde Coast Entrepreneurs Club will be led by Hamish Hamilton of Vistage and will feature an informative and interactive session about the art of being an effective leader. Topics covered will include the proper use of delegation whilst remaining accountable within your business.
Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss any current decisions / opportunities / issues or challenges that they are facing, and we would ask you to bring any details with you.
The event will take place at Lytham Hall on Thursday 28 September, with the agenda being as follows:
- 08:30 - Arrival and breakfast
- 09:00 - Welcome
- 09:15 - Presentation and Q&A led by Hamish Hamilton of Vistage
- 10:30 - Close
You can sign up to the right of this page. There are limited places available, so to ensure you don’t miss out, please sign up by no later than Friday 15 September.
If you have any questions, please contact